Saturday, April 24, 2004

I just saw Kevin Eldon walk past me in Holborn today. I was dead chuffed. Haven't seen someone I actually like that's famous in the street for ages. The last vaguely public figure was Lord Robertson, used to run NATO, walking about. I thought it odd that he had no bodyguard but what do I know.

Still, I got a real buzz seeing Kevin wander around. In case you don't have much interest in left-field comedy performers (which will probably be most of you) Kevin Eldon is a regular on shows written by the Baby Cow/Chris Morris clique of actors. He's on normally anything Steve Coogan, Graham Linehan, Armando Iannucci, Peter Baynham, Rob Brydon, Chris Morris, Julia Davis and (when together in the early to late 90s) Lee and Herring did/do. Which, let's face it, is the most exciting set of 90s comedians in the country.

Kevin initially delighted me with the demented Simon, the hobby guy who always accompanied his adventures with a shot of "weak lemon drink". If you asked someone in the street about Kevin Eldon you'd most likely get a blank look but show him a photo and you'd probably get a flash of recognition, even if they wouldn't be able to say what show he was in (he's in so many).

I seriously admire someone who can do such varied characters as the pointlessly jolly, racist kitchen salesman in I'm Alan Partridge, the deliciously creepy Cleaner in Black Books ("Dirty" has never been spoken so well), cuckholded Terry in Nighty Night, and, of course, the innumerable sketch parts in Jam, Brasseye and Big Train. Once my private life settles down I serious hope to write something (more an ambition than anything likely - I'm not demented) that Kevin can be in.

Then I'd know I'm writing something really decent.