Saturday, March 26, 2005 - Bush approval slips to 45%, lowest of his presidency - Bush approval slips to 45%, lowest of his presidency

It took twice as long to get this unpopular in his first term. Hmmm...America regretting its decision?

BBC NEWS | World | South Asia | US to sell fighters to Pakistan

BBC NEWS World South Asia US to sell fighters to Pakistan
Of course, the US is not really selling them to Pakistan, it is buying them from the arms industry for Pakistan. The US is providing over $3bn dollars in aid to this dictatorship which has already wriggled out of blame for its top scientist providing nuclear technology to Iran.

In many ways it has echos with Iraq and Iran and how they were played by the US. Saddam was considered and ally and helped militarily. Then he turned bad. Admittedly, India is far from an enemy from the US but clearly has little respect from Bush, otherwise this decision may, at the very least, have been arrived at in consultation with them. Musharaf is a dictator, an ally and is recieving more in military aid than some countries' entire GDP.

I hope that this repetition of such a risky and purely pragmatic strategy does not end up in yet more blowback for the US and the world.

Like all dictatorships, we see plenty of
this - for more detail you should click here.

Still, as with Saudi, Kuwait, Panama (in the 80s) and Uzbekistan, the US says good words but you can always tell a lot about someone by who their friends are. And what they do with people in Guantanamo Bay, of course.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Wow, I'm writing!!

I'm actually writing again! It just happened. I sat down and in two days I have about 6 sketches, which have already gone to the Treason Show. The script editor just invited me to send stuff to the Newsrevue as well, so we'll see where that takes me. I really love writing and it is ball crushingly frustrating when I can't get ideas flowing.

So, I'll put some of the better scripts up here once they've been picked out by the editors. Even if they don't get used (I'm up against something like 60 writers) then I'll still put the best ones up.

Bit stuck now for a sketch but I do wanna write something tonight. Better go, having a ding dong on Digital Spy forums with Monkey75 (what a pro-war card he is, very droll, but not so often with me, for some reason).

Monday, March 21, 2005

BBC NEWS | World | Middle East | Israel confirms settlement growth

BBC NEWS | World | Middle East | Israel confirms settlement growth

The simple truth is that if Israel had the slightest interest in peace where both sides win they would not be doing this. It's insanity of the most inexcusable kind.