Saturday, July 16, 2005 - News - EXCLUSIVE: WAS IT SUICIDE? - News - EXCLUSIVE: WAS IT SUICIDE?

The first couple of hours I noted the lack of Allah Akhbar cries. I would not be in the least bit surprised if they were manipulated in a clinically cold way and that they didn't expect to die. Poll: Bush Approval Rating at 42 Percent Poll: Bush Approval Rating at 42 Percent

This'll get Bush smiling. Not.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Further thoughts...London Bombings/investigation

Ok, so things are happening.

Can I just say that I do genuinely trust the police on these kinds of matters. I think they are now so skilled in this sort of case and would be so averse to deliberately participate in any inside job or get suckered into a goose chase by some Israeli plot or any other similarly extreme explanation. So on this matter I'm gonna just believe what they say.

There were four suicide bombers, the bus bomb is believed to have been an accident. They were second generation Pakistani/British lads from Leeds.

This shows how shortsighted and simply stupid these xenophobic calls for watertight borders are. Ideas can pass through borders undetected. The affront many Muslims feel about British and American actions toward other Muslims penetrates people wherever they are regardless of how many Xray machines you have on our borders.

It also betrays the lie that they bomb us because they hate our freedoms. They have enjoyed our freedoms from birth. They know our society first hand and still they would rather blitz themselves and other people in a tunnel 120ft below the streets of London.

This must lead any sane person to ask the question, "why?". Every reason offered by received wisdom, "common sense" and unimaginative media for bomber's motivations (hatred, desperation, wanting to destroy the west, to turn Britain Muslim, poverty etc.) has never been proven to be true by the simple fact of who these bombers are.

We must also not forget that those who knew the Middle Eastern Islamic society best - namely those of that descent - never give those as key reasons. They say it is Western policy and the frustration of collusion within Mid-East governments in this policy that focuses minds enough for this terrorism. Al Qaeda represent merely a notion. It is one (poster boy) example of radicalised Muslims who want to turn to terrorism to hit back at the West. Many more small organisations exist with similar goals and philosophy but, importantly, not identical. Bin Laden's Islamic philosophy is significantly different from the Taliban's. He likes to use modern technology, like radio, video cameras, etc. but the Taliban made it illegal to use radio or listen to music in Afghanistan. The only thing that bound the two was simply the growing hatred and distrust of America. Plus the cold hard cash Bin Laden will have paid them.

We'll learn ever more details about the bombers and then I hope our country will learn that the basis for this terrorism is rooted in our behaviour. As I have said in a variety of locations, the existing members of these groups are past appeasing but it is certainly within our power to act in such a way that the cooking pot from which terrorists scoop volunteers is kept below boiling point and then reduced to a cold, congealing mass, useless to them.

Monday, July 11, 2005

BBC NEWS | World | Middle East | Iraq's treasures still being looted

BBC NEWS | World | Middle East | Iraq's treasures still being looted

If you didn't look for this stuff, you wouldn't know how little control anyone has out in Iraq. This is just one example of how the invasion has impoverished Iraq.

BBC NEWS | UK | Police appeal for bombing footage

BBC NEWS UK Police appeal for bombing footage

"On Sunday, three people were arrested at Heathrow Airport under anti-terror laws, but no link to the attacks was made. They were later released without charge."

Just more examples of how terrorism continues to be played up in the media. Two sentences devoted to the releases but many more devoted to the original arrests.

My post here also contains interesting stuff I've found:

The hype and jitteriness was entirely expected. But how planned was all this? If the secret service network is involved it would be so easy for them to pull the strings it's not funny.

This is a scathing article, worth reading, by John Pilger as published in the New Statesman:

I have noted with interest, more American commentators acknowledging that al Qaeda (and its followers/sympathizers) are not motivated by simple hatred and a desire to wipe Western civilisation from the face of the earth but simply as revenge and an extreme (and, of course, unjustified) protest at the horrors and humiliations inflicted on Muslims and Arabs directly and indirectly by the West. Western policies feed the hate that breeds terrorists. And it looks like potentially the debate is turning (at the speed of an oil tanker) in that direction. Especially as Iraq is stagnating, and indeed rotting, in a swamp of violence. The pitiful stupidity of the invasion is hitting home and the masses in America (where the majority were simply not informed enough to judge Bush's choices) are realising the spectacular poverty of Bush's foreign policies.

Bush's pathetically asinine response to a question on ITV1's Tonight show about the aid provided to murderous Islam Karimov, president/dictator of Uzbekistan, and the lack of conditions on that aid in contrast to those pressed for by Bush for African aid was completely telling. A dictator who boils people alive, merely receives "encouragement" to stop boiling people alive and still gets millions in US aid because he is "an ally in the war on terror". In short, he lets the US have an air base there and he massacres and tortures Muslims for fun.

Great. And we think that Islamic terrorists are fuming because they hate our freedoms?????!!