Friday, August 31, 2012

The Road to Truth 2012

This US election is so far more steeped in desperate lies than I can recall in 20 years of my following such things.

But don't run away with the notion that I'm referring to misstated facts or selective filleting and twisting of certain stats because it's even more disingenuous that that; stuff is simply being made up. 

The republicans gave the Dems a gift in 2008 with Palin and they really just had to sit back and watch the car crash but this year, without a "silly" VP on the ticket and a Presidential candidate that can't be targeted too much on personal issues (although the tax return thing has got to be hurting Mitt), the GOP still feels the need to play really dirty.

They continue to play on the "removal of the work requirement from Welfare" (lies), the $700bn removed from Medicare to "pay for Obamacare" (lies), the "you didn't built your business" (Obama simply did not say that), the death panels (lies), the birther bullshit, the abortion voting history of Obama (he did not vote to not protect savable foetuses) and much more.

The weight of utter lies set out here is much heavier on the GOP side than the Dem side and it tells you all you need to know about them.

Also, Ryan just lied about a car factory (closed under Bush) where he blamed Obama for not having it remain open.

The GOP fall over themselves to say how counterproductive any non-military element of Government is to "economic growth" but they take pork and subsidies willingly (Bridge to nowhere is one of countless examples of such hypocrisy).

Romney, just like McCain, will say just about anything to get the GOP behind him or get him elected - even if it directly contradicts his past political expressions and actions (e.g. healthcare). Maybe more to come from me as the election progresses.

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